Preliminary Scientific Topics

  • Dynamic instability of underground excavations (Rockbursts)
  • Case histories in rock engineering
  • Characterization of faults and other geological features
  • Characterization of intact rocks and rock masses
  • CO2 injection and underground rock storage
  • Computational methods for rock mechanics big data
  • Constitutive models in prediction of rock behavior
  • Crustal stress and earthquakes
  • Dams and foundations in rocks
  • Design of underground and open pit mines
  • Dynamic phenomena in rock mechanics
  • Education in rock engineering
  • Exploration and production of geothermal energy
  • Flexible support systems for underground excavations
  • Fluid flow and pore pressure in rocks
  • Fracture and damage of rocks
  • Geophysics and geology related to rock mechanics
  • Hazard and risk assessment in rock engineering
  • Hydraulic fracturing
  • In situ stress measurements and estimation
  • Instrumentation and monitoring
  • Laboratory and field testing and measurements
  • Mechanized excavation through rocks (TBM performance and rock drilling)
  • Mechanics of hard rocks
  • Mechanics of weak rocks
  • Preservation of ancient rock structures and buildings
  • Numerical and analytical modeling of rock phenomena
  • Ornamental rocks
  • Petroleum reservoir and well geomechanics
  • Rock heterogeneity and multiscale approaches
  • Rock slope supporting structures
  • Rock tunneling
  • Seismic behavior of rock masses
  • Slope stability and landslides
  • THMC coupled processes in rock mechanics
  • Underground Nuclear Power Plants
  • Underground Research Laboratories URL
  • Underground storage and radioactive waste disposal

ISRM 2019